The term “special equipment” refers to boilers, pressure vessels, pressure piping, elevators, lifting appliances, passenger ropeways and large amusement devices. When export special equipment directly or indirectly to China, manufacturer needs license from Chinese authority. Language difference and communication difficulties can make the application complicated.
We support you through the whole process, from pre-contact, preparing materials, sending application, to receiving the final auditing group.
What we did for ÖrnalpUnozon
ÖrnalpUnozon applied to renew their special equipment manufacture license. In april 2013, an auditing group was sent to Örnsköldsvik to inspect the factory. Our main tast is to keep smooth communication and maintain a good relations between the factory and the auditing group, in order to reduce the factory's working load and increase their chance to receive the new license.
- Guests receiving
- Communication support: email, interpretation...
- Keep good relations: how to show respect, what activities to arrange, what present to choose...
Organizations you should know if considering application
AQSIQ - General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine of the P. R. China
CSEI - China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute. (in English)
SELO - Special Equipment Licensing Office. This is the office you should get in contact with for license application. You will find it on the website of CSEI.